Monday, 24 November 2008

Task 1 - Animatic

Our first task as a group was to create a shot list, storyboard and animatic. We were given a brief to work from and a shot total of 30 seconds. This shot list had to comprise of several shots none exceeding more than 5 seconds. To do this effectively we started by reading our brief. This enabled us to decide which shot types and lengths would be most effective. Our initial shot list had shots ranging from 1 to 5 seconds. With each shot type and time we gave a brief description of the scene e.g. CU of the Vampires Teeth (2 seconds). This would then make it easier for our group members to translate the shot list into a storyboard. This job was enlisted to two members of our group who produced a storyboard perfectly to the specifications provided. Then as a group we had to convert the storyboard images into a live animatic. To do this we took pictures of each individual images on the camera provided and uploaded them on one of the Mac Books. We were then given a quick tutorial by our teacher, Mr Michie, on how to use the editorial software 'sound booth' and 'Premier Pro'.  For the first evening i took the Mac Book home and re-uploaded better quality photos of the storyboard. I also added a few pre-set sounds and edited the shot lengths. It soon came apparent that to keep the realism and drama of the production the shots could not exceed 2 seconds. Unfortunately, having not taken home the original storyboard a few of the images had been placed in the wrong position on the animatic. Luckily The other three members of the group had set aside a free period and were able to rectify the errors made, and make improvements by adding original sounds using the 'Sound Booth' software. Overall i think the process went well and the entire group worked in sync as a team. Each member gave valid input throughout and we all learned a basic knowledge of the software and were able to identify individual strengths and weaknesses throughout. 


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